Entries by cpf_testuser

An online training program on the implementation process of the projects under the COMCEC Project Funding was held on April 6th-7th, 2021

An online training program on the implementation process of the projects under the COMCEC Project Funding was held on April 6th-7th, 2021. Within the scope of the training program, several presentations were made on the actors and their responsibilities in the implementation period, monitoring and reporting processes, critical issues in the implementation period and basic […]

Online Training Program on COMCEC COVID Response (CCR) Program was held on October 21st, 2020

During the training, project preparation, submission, appraisal, implementation, monitoring and evaluation procedures in CCR Program was discussed. The participants were also informed regarding the details of the new project types, namely Direct Grant, Needs Assessment and Sharing Expertise. Presentations made during the Training Program: Introducing COMCEC COVID Response CCR Direct Grant CCR Needs Assessment CCR […]

CCO is Calling for Project Proposals under COMCEC COVID Response

COMCEC Coordination Office (CCO) is calling for project proposals to be financed in 2021 under new COMCEC COVID Response (CCR) Program. Applications will be closed on November 15th, 2020. With a view to address the existing and potential ramifications of the COVID Pandemic, the CCO has decided to initiate the CCR for the benefit of member country public institutions. […]

8th Call for Project Proposals is now open

The CCO is calling for project proposals to be financed in selected sectoral themes in 2021. Applications will be closed on September 30th, 2020. Project owners may consider designing certain activities (training, workshop etc.) online due to the circumstances imposed by the pandemic. Click here to proceed to online application system. Please contact CCO (cpf@comcec.org) for further inquiries. IMPORTANT: […]

A series of online training programs on COMCEC Project Funding have been conducted on a weekly basis between June 10th and July 8th

Several online training sessions regarding COMCEC Project Funding have been held on a weekly basis between June 10th and July 8th. Sessions informed project staff on responsible actors, implementation, monitoring, visibility rules as well as project management information system. Click for the presentation of session one. Click for the presentation of second session. Click for the presentation of third […]