The short-list of the Twelfth Call for Project Proposals of COMCEC Project Funding has been announced.

The short-list of the Twelfth Call for Project Proposals of COMCEC Project Funding has been announced.  COMCEC Coordination Office will contact the focal points whose projects are short-listed in the coming days. The details are in the Project Management Information System. To access the system, please click 

Project on “Developing Policy Framework Capacity in the Field of Social Security After Natural Disasters”

12th Call for Project Proposals under COMCEC Project Funding

The 12th Call for Proposals has been announced by the COMCEC for the projects to be supported in 2025 in the sectoral themes identified within the scope of COMCEC Project Funding. Applications will be made between 1-31 October 2024. Click here to proceed to the online application system. Please contact CCO ( for further inquiries.